Project Management for Mountain Areas

The advanced course in “Project Management for mountain areas” aims to deepen and consolidate professional knowledge and skills on the subject of planning and managing national and international projects, in response to calls and tenders relating to specific mountain issues, as well as the enhancement of the resources of mountain territories as a whole.


The main objectives of the course are:

  • to provide economic-managerial tools and skills, useful for orienting participants in the panorama of regional, national, European and international financing programs, specific to mountain areas, and for responding correctly to specific requirements for obtaining funds;
  • to examine the specific management phases of regional, national, European and international funding programs, in order to develop the skills required to effectively address the complex process of project management and progress and related problems;
  • to consolidate the management skills of participants required to prepare and manage all the phases of the projects that have obtained approval, correctly and efficiently, on behalf of bodies or organizations working on issues regarding the enhancement and development of mountain and rural areas, for which the participants provide their professional skills.
  • to train participants to collaborate with stakeholders, in setting up local and international networks, aimed at more effective project management, both in the formulation and implementation phases of the projects, aimed at the social capitalization of the project actions themselves

Participants who successfully complete the course activities will be awarded 8 ECTS

The advanced course in "Project Management for mountain areas" aims to deepen and consolidate professional knowledge and skills on the subject of project planning and management.
active (ed. 2021)
53 hours

Prof.ssa Anna Giorgi

Director of the Ge.S.Di.Mont. Research Centre of Unimont and Coordinator of the Undergraduate Course in “Conservation and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas” 

Didactic plan

The course provides guidelines for identifying and analyzing existing calls and tenders and “planning” and is divided into the following macro-areas:

  • Overview of the different types of calls
  • Design logic, construction of a partnership and project work for setting up and carrying out the initial phases;
  • Construction of a project, financial management and project work of writing and project reporting:

European experimentation laboratories and Best cases

Secretary's office
Università della Montagna, via Morino n. 8 – Edolo (BS) | Tel. 02.50330500 | Mail:

Euros 571.00 (including insurance fee as well as stamp duty, equal to Euro 16.00, required by law).

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