The advanced course “Recording rock-art: new technologies for the documentation and management of mountain and valley heritage” is proposed by the Moutain University  (a center of excellence of the University of Milan located at Edolo) in collaboration with the “Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici” ( Center of Prehistoric Studies) with the aim of developing new professionals and transforming historical/cultural heritage into a valuable lever for regional development and economic growth.

The course is a postgraduate specialisation that confers an academic title. The programme aims to provide its participants with an “expanded” point of view both geographically and chronologically and to bring together complementary disciplines so as to create ideas and methodologies and enrich the field experience of future rock-art specialists. The lectures will include both theoretical and practical topography sessions on mapping using GPS systems, database creation and management, notions of archeology and mountain geomorphology, methodology and data collection on rock art.

The “Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici” (with experience gained in 50 years of activity) and UNIMONT propose this course of professional training and specialization in the field of human sciences and cultural heritage with the use of both theoretical and practical methods directly on the field.

The course opens the possibility of learning and applications to European students and graduates, offering lectures and contributions from Italian and international professors and professionals and providing the network of experts that the Center has been able to establish over the time with universities and research centers from all over Europe.


Alberto Tamburini, Professor of UNIMONT

With the support of:





Information material
Didactic plan

The course will last 30 hours over two working weeks (Mon-Fri 7 hours/day, Saturday 5 hours).

The practical and theoretical elements will be combined flexibly to allow for the possibility of bad weather and to permit putting into practice the ideas and methods learned during the lectures.

The course, due to its uniqueness of uniting theory and practice, will have to be carried out on the spot; the participants will attend part of the theoretical lectures at UNIMONT in Edolo (BS) and at the CCSP in Capo di Ponte (BS), the practical lessons will be held in the archaeological sites situated in Valcamonica (Rock Engravings Nature Reserve of Ceto, Cimbergo and Paspardo)

FT Theoretical training

At UNIMONT in Edolo, with the possibility to participate via streaming

  • The Man and the high mountain: from the Mesolithic to the Copper Age
    Lecturer: Eugenio Fossati, Università Cattolica di Milano – Department of History, Archaeology and History of Art
    Date: 13 July – 2 hrs
  • The Bronze and Iron Age Rock Art of the Alpine Arch 
    Lecturer: Eugenio Fossati, Università Cattolica di Milano – Department of History, Archaeology and History of Art
    Date: 13 July – 1 hrs
  • Historical Rock Art
    Lecturer: Federico Troletti, Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici
    Date: 13 July – 2 hrs
FM Practical training

At Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici in Capo di Ponte

  • Research methodology and data collection (Tracing, photography)
    Lecturer: Prof. De Abreu, UTAD (Portugal) – Departamento de Geologia (Department of Geology)
    Date: 3 September – 9 hrs
  • Research methodology and data collection (3D, total station)
    Lecturer: Dott. Medici, Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici
    Date: 4 September – 4 ore
  • Geography and Geomorphology of the high mountain
    Lecturer: Guglielmina Diolaiuti, Università degli Studi di MilanoDepartment of Environmental Sciences and Policies
    Date: 5 September – 4 ore
  • Topography and database
    Lecturer Giulio Senes, Università degli Studi di Milano – DISAA Department
    Date: 6 September – 6 ore
CM Museology 2 ore

At Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici in Capo di Ponte

  • Museology
    Lecturer: Arch. Cittadini, Rock Engravings Nature Reserve of Ceto, Cimbergo and Paspard
    Date: 7 September – 2 ore
Unimont, with the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici" train professionals capable of transforming the historical-cultural heritage into a lever for territorial enhancement.
inactive (ed. 2018)
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UNIMONT – Mountain University, Center of Excellence of the University of Milan
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