Paths for the valorisation of the territorial heritage in Val Camonica

The project “Valorization paths of the territorial heritage in Val Camonica” aims at drawing up an integrated strategic plan, co-designed with the territory in order to favour concrete actions aimed at fostering and increasing the sustainable tourist fruition of the inter-municipal area to the benefit of traditional and more recently implemented economic activities, as well as to facilitate the start-up of new forms of young entrepreneurship.

The project envisages the implementation of a series of actions aimed at defining a strategic plan for the enhancement of the area of high naturalistic, environmental and cultural value included in the territory of the Municipalities of Corteno Golgi (BS), Edolo (BS), Monno (BS), which includes: the Pian di Gembro Nature Reserve, the Pregio Mola Wildlife Reserve and the Mortirolo Pass.

The participation of young people who already live in the mountains and of young people who choose the mountains as a place to live and work, is the best guarantee of the transfer of an innovative vision of these territories into this project, no longer to be interpreted as places of disadvantage and difficulty but as contexts that possess resources to be interpreted and transformed into value with the right tools and methodological approaches, looking beyond the confines of the local dimension, aware that the context of reference is attractive to a wide, national and international target.

Start Year
End Year

The project is financed by the Lombardy Region through the announcement “La Lombardia è dei Giovani”, in cooperation with ANCI.

The project partners are:

  • Unione Alpi Orobie Bresciane (and specifically the Municipality of Corteno Golgi, Municipality of Edolo, Municipality of Monno)
  • UNIMONT – Polo d’Eccellenza of the University of Milan
  • Val.Te.Mo. Association

Furthermore, the project sees the involvement of: Mountain Community of Valtellina of Tirano, Mountain Community of Valle Camonica, “F. Meneghini” Institute of Higher Education of Edolo, Municipality of Corteno Golgi, Municipality of Edolo, Municipality of Monno, Municipality of Aprica, Municipality of Villa di Tirano, Municipality of Tirano, Municipality of Sernio, Municipality of Lovero, Municipality of Mazzo di Valtellina.

Funding Body
Lombardy Region
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