29 January 2020

Take part in the 2019 European Strategy Forum for the Alpine Region! The Italian presidency presents the results of a year of activity with 7 states and 48 regions.

28-29 November, Palazzo Lombardia (Milan) – Launch of the 3rd FORUM of the European Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) – organized by the Lombardy Region, the Government and the European Commission at the end of the Italian Presidency; the UNIMONT – CrC Ge.S.Di.Mont. Center, from the beginning of the process supporting the Lombardy Region in the leadership of the Action Group 1, invites to participate in the workshop “The Alps: a unique laboratory for sustainable development” to be held on November 29th at 8.45.

The forum will be attended by the main stakeholders of the Alpine Region, the Country’s top institutional representatives and the European Commission. In fact, on November 29th the session “THE FUTURE OF THE EUSALP POLITICAL STATEMENT” will be opened by Giuseppe Conte, President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic, and by Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations , with which it was shared to carry out a specific study on the opportunities and the future of EUSALP for the younger generations.

The Alpine Macroregional Strategy (EUSALP) – launched in 2016 – has the fundamental objective of supporting competitiveness, innovation, sustainability of the Alpine Region belonging to Italy, Germany, France, Slovenia, Lichtenstein, Switzerland and Austria, which represent one of Europe’s largest natural, economic and productive areas.

The complete program – undergoing continuous updating – is available on the sites:


Register to the Annual Forum: link


Save the Date: November 29th
Workshop: “The Alps: a unique laboratory for sustainable development models”

The CrC Ge.S.Di.Mont. invites all mountain stakeholders to participate in the “The Alps” thematic workshop, organized in the framework of the Annual Forum. The seminar will represent a concrete work session on the role that the mountains could play at European level, in a historical period that urgently requires the definition of new development models, based on the principles of sustainability, for which the mountains could be a unique laboratory and strategic.

The main challenge now is to highlight this opportunity for policy makers and public institutions in order to convince them to pay more attention to the role of the mountains in their National Strategic Agendas that are currently under discussion, in view of the next European programming period.

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