11 February 2016

The Cannons of Guspessa

At the Mountain University of Edolo, Thursday, April 21, 2016, at 20.30, will be held the presentation of the book: “The Cannons of Guspessa. The municipalities of Edolo, Cortenedolo and Mu to the Thirty Years War thresholds“.
The new publication of the Archival Service of Vallecamonica has been realized with the Municipality of Edolo and thanks to a contribution of the Lombardy Region.
It talks about a little-known episode in the history of Edolo:
In November-December 1624, the Republic of Venice sent in Valtellina a battery of cannons to support the French army under the command of the Marquis Coeuvres. The guns were transported from Brescia, where there was the main western arsenal, through lake Iseo and Valcamonica. Here, the municipality of Edolo housed the operation coordinator, Marc Antonio Canal “.
The event Rapporteur, Simone Signaroli will trace the journey of the famous cannons.

The presentation will take place at the headquarters of the Mountain University, but you can also see the event via streaming, by clicking here (you need to register for the event by 20 April ).
Download the invitation.

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