22 December 2022

The International Mountain Day event began with a visit to the UNIMONT campus and its laboratories

The International Mountain Day event, which was held on Monday 12th December 2022 at the UNIMONT Campus of the University of Milan based in Edolo (BS), requested by Minister Roberto Calderoli (Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies), started with a visit to the UNIMONT Centre and its laboratories.

Accompanied by researchers, participants had the opportunity to discover the subjects being studied: from the analysis of the quality of saffron – for which UNIMONT has become the national reference centre, to the enhancement of agro-biodiversity, and the study of honey and its properties.

In particular, one of the main themes in the Centre’s research activity is the valorisation of traditional local varieties (landraces) typical of mountain areas, including the Nero Spinoso Corn, an ancient corn cultivar traditionally grown in the Valle Camonica, the study and rediscovery of which led to the creation of the Associazione Mais Nero Spinoso.

Another landrace typical of mountain areas and studied in the UNIMONT Centre laboratories is the Copafam bean which is particularly suitable for mountain environments. The multitude of colors of the seeds and the presence of polyphenolic compounds give this bean many nutraceutical properties; hence the idea of developing food made with flour of this variety.

In recent years UNIMONT has developed a promising line of research concerning bees and their products thanks to which, in collaboration with the University of Milan, Ivano Fabretto (owner of the KONTAK Company) has developed and patented an innovative system for diffusing propolis which was presented during the visit to the laboratories.

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