4 December 2015

The Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) invites the submission of pre-proposals for Synthesis Workshops

The Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) invites the submission of pre-proposals for Synthesis Workshops

The 4-6 selected workshops will be implemented in MRI’s next grant period from October 2016 to September 2019

What is a Synthesis Workshop
A Synthesis Workshop typically results in at a minimum the publication of a synthesis paper for a specific topic. The workshop itself consists of one multi-day meeting of a group of leading experts in a specific field. MRI can contribute up to 15’000 CHF as seed money toward the cost of the facility rental, experts’ travel expenses, food and accommodation. The proponents are expected to find additional funding as needed to cover the full budget of the Workshop.

What topics are covered?
MRI is interested in research examining various aspects of social-ecological systems in mountain regions under global change.
They  are specifically looking for proposals addressing those Future Earth Focal Challenges that were clearly identified as gaps in the synthesis of the “Mountains of Our Common Future” Conference in October 2015.

  • 2: Decarbonise socio-economic systems to stabilise the climate by promoting the technological, economic, social, political and behavioural changes enabling transformations, while building knowledge about the impacts of climate change and adaptation responses for people and ecosystems.
  • 4: Build healthy, resilient and productive cities by identifying and shaping innovations that combine better urban environments and lives with declining resource footprints, and provide efficient services and infrastructures that are robust to disasters.
  • 6: Improve human health by elucidating, and finding responses to, the complex interactions amongst environmental change, pollution, pathogens, disease vectors, ecosystem services, and people’s livelihoods, nutrition and well-being.
  • 7: Encourage sustainable consumption and production patterns that are equitable by understanding the social and environmental impacts of consumption of all resources, opportunities for decoupling resource use from growth in well-being, and options for sustainable development pathways and related changes in human behaviour.

It is NOT essential that proposals address any these topics. MRI will consider proposals on other aspects of social-ecological systems in mountain regions under global change provided that they are well justified.

For more info visit our dedicated page

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