21 March 2022

The UNIMONT Centre of the University of Milan is expanding its training offer: NEW MASTER’S DEGREE COURSE

The UNIMONT centre of the University of Milan is launching a new international Master’s Degree course in VALORIZATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF MOUNTAIN AREAS (LM-73) with the aim of preparing professionals capable of promoting the development and sustainable management of mountain territories.

The Master’s Degree Course in “VALORIZATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF MOUNTAIN AREAS” is a second level university programme in English, which aims to train professionals with specific knowledge of mountain territories and the ability to promote and manage the transformation, in a sustainable and innovative way, of natural, agro-forestry and zootechnical resources specific to mountain areas, into products and/or services of economic and/or social value.

The training course is multidisciplinary so students will acquire the ability to adopt a systematic and up-to-date approach to issues regarding the development of mountain areas, considering the scenario generated by current climate and socio-economic changes, and will be able to reconcile conservation needs with the promotion of development processes, linking local aspects with supra-local, national and European levels. The degree course therefore provides academic training aimed at enhancing the specific resources of mountain territories in strategic sectors for their economy.  Such resources, in addition to both traditional and innovative agro-food and forestry chains (bioeconomy, green, circular economy, renewable energy), currently increasingly include sustainable tourism. The definition of policies, programs and projects for the development of mountain territories must be based on the uniqueness of such areas.

The Master’s Degree Course takes place entirely at the UNIMONT Campus of the University of Milan, which has been operating in Edolo, a mountain municipality in the central Alps, for 25 years. This ensures students will have the opportunity to carry out educational activities directly in the mountains as well as to experience the mountain environment in a wider sense – the enhancement, management and development of which will be their future goal. Moreover, an experience that is anything but “local” is guaranteed also from a methodological and operational point of view, since the UNIMONT Centre is an active part of an “ecosystem” that includes the main stakeholders at regional, national and international levels with whom it promotes processes of innovation, capacity building and the empowerment of human capital which are indispensable for allowing these territories to finally play a key role.

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