22 February 2022

The UNIMONT Centre of the University of Milan takes part in the EU Macro-Regional Strategies Week 2022

The third edition of the EU Macro Regional Strategies Week organized by the European Commission – DG Regio will be held online from 7th to 11th March 2022. The UNIMONT centre of the University of Milan will take part in the workshop “Promoting green transition and sustainable growth through cross- macro-regional smart specialization”, due to its coordinating role in EUSALP Action Group 1 – Research & Innovation as delegated by the Lombardy Region.

European Union Macro-Regional Strategies (MRS) Week helps to improve public understanding of the added value of MRS, to present discussions on future development, coordinate exchanges and best practices between the four MRSs, and improve general understanding of the extensive impact of cohesion policy on the Commission’s priorities, such as the Green Deal. The third edition follows the motto Engage, Empower, Evolve and will focus on three themes: Youth, European Green Deal and Social Change.

The “Promoting Green Transition and Sustainable Growth through Cross-Macro-Regional Smart Specialization” workshop to be held on 10th March 2022 is part of this context. The event aims to highlight the role of smart specialization strategies (S3) in a regional, macro-regional and European context. Smart Specialization Strategies for Research & Innovation can facilitate collaboration between the academic world, businesses and political decision-makers on some strategic issues for the sustainable development of territories involved in macro-regional strategies.

Action Group 1 – Research & Innovation, coordinated by the UNIMONT Centre of the University of Milan as delegated by the Lombardy Region will take part in the workshop, presenting the challenges and opportunities related to the promotion of sustainable growth in the EUSALP area.

The meeting can be followed in live streaming, on 10th March from 1.30 to 13.00 p.m: CLICK HERE

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