29 October 2021

The UNIMONT hub participates in the working table with Minister Gelmini to identify the new challenges of mountain areas and collaborate towards the definition of a national law for the mountains

Tuesday 26th October, the UNIMONT – University of Milan Centre will participate in a discussion with the Minister of Regional Affairs and Autonomies, Maria Stella Gelmini, and the main stakeholders of the Italian mountains, to support the government’s desire to focus on mountain areas and work together for a national law for mountain areas.

The Government’s attention to mountain areas is being consolidated in the drafting of a new law proposal for the mountains and in the definition of a National Strategy for the Mountains. Hon. Mariastella Gelmini, Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies with responsibility for the enhancement of mountain areas, has started a process of meetings with the main protagonists of mountain areas to identify the challenges and opportunities related to these places, with the aim of promoting sustainable development and the resilience of mountain communities.

Thanks to its commitment within the Technical Scientific Table for the Mountains (TTS) set up by the Hon. Gelmini, the UNIMONT – University of Milan Centre is participating in a discussion with the Minister, which will take place tomorrow – Tuesday 26th October 2021 from 10.30 to 12.30 – to identify the new challenges of mountain areas and collaborate in the definition of a new law to promote competitiveness and the relaunching of Italian mountain areas.

The contribution of UNIMONT, a Centre of excellence entirely dedicated to the enhancement of mountain territories, located in Edolo, a small town in the central Alps, aims to highlight the importance of promoting initiatives dedicated to specific skills, the sharing of good practices and the creation of effective models of collaboration, in order to relaunch the Italian mountains directly from the territory, creating added value in traditional and innovative ways through sustainable development models.

Speakers during the meeting include: Hon. Maria Stella Gelmini, Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies; Marco Bussone, UNCEM President; Massimo Castelli, Mayor of the Municipality of Cerignale, ANCI Coordinator of Small Municipalities; Anna Giorgi, University of Milan Rector’s Delegate for the promotion of teaching, research and third mission for the enhancement of the mountain area, UNIMONT – University of Milan; Tiziano Maffezzini, President of UNCEM Lombardia; Giampiero Lupatelli, Territorial Economist, CAIRE Consortium; Vincenzo Torti, CAI General President; Luciano Caveri, Councilor for the Valle d’Aosta Autonomous Region and Coordinator of the interregional coordination on mountain policies of the Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces; Luca Masneri, Coordinator of the National Technical Scientific Table for the Mountains, Mayor of the Municipality of Edolo; Francesco Cesare Palermo, Lawyer expert in local authority tax law; Matteo Carrer, Researcher in public law institutions at the University of Bergamo.

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