24 September 2018

UNIMONT AT ESSENZIALI A MILANO: “Qualità ed efficacia: il futuro degli oli essenziali”

On 4th and 5th October, at the University of Milan-Bicocca, “Essenziali a Milano” will be held, two days of dedicated study and professional updating regarding future applications for essential oils in the medical, nutritional and cosmetic fields.

The initiative, promoted by the magazine Erboristeria domani with FEM2 Environment, official spin-off of the University of Milan-Bicocca, and with the collaboration of the study center BEST4food, of the Società Italiana di Ricerca sugli Oli Essenziali (SIROE) and of the portal inherba.it, is aimed at those who want to approach a multidisciplinary knowledge of the properties and the different aspects that characterize essential oils.

During the closing session of these two days “VERSO IL FUTURO: PROGETTI INNOVATIVI PER LA VALORIZZAZIONE DEGLI OLI ESSENZIALI (TOWARDS THE FUTURE: INNOVATIVE PROJECTS FOR VALORISATION OF ESSENTIAL OILS)“, the innovative projects and experiences of agricultural producers, specialized companies, professionals, representatives of local institutions and the university world will be presented. The Mountain University (UNIMONT) – University of Milan, which devotes particular attention to medicinal plants grown in mountain areas, will intervene by presenting its experience regarding the promotion and enhancement of products based on essential oils.

Furthermore, this session will be one of the first public occasions to discuss the new framework law on the cultivation and initial transformation of medicinal plants, with the intervention of Dr. Alberto Manzo – MIPAAF Technical Officer, DG promotion Agri-food quality, coordinator of the Tavolo di Filiera delle Piante Officinali, of which Prof. Anna Giorgi of UNIMONT is also a member.

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