13 July 2017

UNIMONT informs about ESPON call

UNIMONT informs that on June 30th, ESPON has announced the new Call for Tenders for Targeted Analysis “Alps2050 – Common spatial perspectives for the Alpine area. Towards a common vision”.

The project has to support the development of a territorial vision and common spatial perspectives for the Alpine area, strengthen the area as a living space for people and as a natural habitat, as well as a field for sustainable economic and social activities in a sustainable way. The call moves in line with the ten challenges identified by the Murnau Declaration for sustainable spatial development in the Alps: climate change, demographic changes and organization of work, tourism, transports, cultural and natural heritage, energy, etc.

The analysis is expected to provide data, information and maps concerning the selected thematic fields and showing the current state in the Alps; graphic illustrations to project the possible development trends of the selected thematic fields until 2050 and to show options for policy development; guidelines for a better cooperation and joint development in the area.

Max available budget: 275.000,00 EUR
Deadline: 8th of August 2017 – 10:00 (CET – Central European Time)
For further info and documents: ESPON EGTC e-Tendering Platform

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