20 June 2024

UNIMONT reports: Last days to join the ‘Call for speakers’ for the European Mountain Convention

Euromontana – the European multi-stakeholder network for sustainable development and quality of life in mountain areas – of which UNIMONT, a center of excellence of the Milan University, is a historical member and a member of the Board of Directors, is organizing in collaboration with the Government of Catalonia and CREAF, the 13th European Mountain Convention in Puigcerdà, Catalonia, from 15 to 18 October 2024.


European Mountain Conventions are biennial meetings for mountain stakeholders and represent a great opportunity to exchange experiences and knowledge, as well as to network with hundreds of participants from all over Europe.

The programme of the 13th edition includes 8 different interactive workshops aimed at overcoming the challenges and seizing the opportunities of mountain areas. As part of these moments of confrontation, Euromontana is issuing a call for speakers inviting anyone interested in sharing their experience with other participants to apply.


▶ More information is available on this page

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