29 January 2020

UNIMONT students jury at the Winning Ideas Mountain Awards mountain – tourism and sustainability category

21st November 2019 – The Mountain University – UNIMONT, pole of Excellence of the University of Milan located in Edolo (BS) is part of the jury of the Winning Ideas Mountain Awards. Award dedicated to creative projects in the field of technology, innovation, sustainable tourism, clothing, equipment and technological promotion in mountain areas.

Four are the students of the three-year course in Conservation and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas of UNIMONT selected for the jury under the category of tourism and sustainability of the mountain. In mid-December they will be guests in Milan to participate in the prize-giving.

The winners of the Winning Ideas Mountain Awards will be hosted at the Lagazuoi EXPO Dolomiti exhibition space. The latter has recognized Unimont as a unique university center, an increasingly authoritative reality in the field of sustainable mountain development.

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