18 April 2024

UNIMONT welcomes the Alpine Rescue of the Guardia di Finanza

On Monday 15th April 2024, UNIMONT, hub of the University of Milan, hosted a meeting on the evolution of the Alpine Rescue of the Guardia di Finanza, chaired by Brigadier General Marco Lainati and Colonel Sergio Giovanni Lancerin. The seminar analyzed the role of the Alpine School of Predazzo, the functioning of the Alpine Rescue of the Guardia di Finanza and its training model.


On Monday 15th April 2024, UNIMONT, centre of excellence of the University of Milan, hosted a meeting on the evolution of the Alpine Rescue of the Guardia di Finanza held by Brigadier General Marco Lainati, Comandante Legione Allievi Guardia di Finanza and Colonel Sergio Giovanni Lancerin, Commander of the Scuola Alpina Guardia di Finanza.

The seminar, the full recording of which is available here, explored the role and importance of the Alpine School of Predazzo and the functioning of the Alpine Rescue of the Guardia di Finanza, including its departments, staff and vehicles used. The training model used was also examined, with a look at the new technical figures and the innovative practice activities in an Alpine context.

It was clear from the busy morning meeting that a passion for the mountains unites and involves important segments of the population, despite differences in roles, experience and generations.

UNIMONT would like to thank the speakers for accepting the invitation to discuss such a key topic. A particular thanks also goes to Luca Masneri, Mayor of Edolo; Goffredo Haus, Deputy Rector for Digital Innovation, ICT Services, Strategic and Special Projects of the University of Milan; Antonio Montani, General President of the Italian Alpine Club; and Raffaella Zanardini, Head of the Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore Meneghini Edolo, for taking part in the event and for the interesting ideas shared with those present.

Watch some pictures from the seminar

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