29 January 2020

Which are the uniqueness and the keys to the success of UNIMONT?

These elements will be discussed in Brussels at the meeting “Rethinking the territorial balance between urban and rural areas in the European mountains”

20th November 2019 – The Research Center for Sustainable Management and Defense of the Mountain – Ge.S.Di.Mont. of UNIMONT, center of excellence of the University of Milan located in Edolo (Bs), among the protagonists of the meeting organized by EUROMONTANA on the need to create bridges and links between urban areas and rural and mountain areas, in order to promote the territorial development of local communities.

The intervention will focus on the unique and successful experience of UNIMONT in creating bridges between small mountain towns and cities through innovative and effective research, training and interaction with the territory. The experience of UNIMONT will be presented by Prof. Anna Giorgi, director of CrC Ge.S.Di.Mont., with the intervention entitled: “Adapting teaching and research to the needs of mountain communities: how the University of Milan (UNIMONT) accepts this challenge? “.

The workshop “Rethinking the territorial balance between urban and rural areas in the European mountains: how can innovation support beneficial solutions for all?”, organized by EUROMONTANA, will represent a moment of concrete and international comparison to promote the development of mountain areas European, deepening the theme of the ongoing changes in the territorial relations between the rural areas, in particular the mountain areas, and the urban ones. According to EUROMONTANA, in fact, mountain territories should be recognized not only for their landscapes and good quality of life, but also for their skills, economic contribution, innovation capacity and ecosystem services, in a winning combination with cities nearby.

The meeting will be attended by representatives of the European Commission, researchers and representatives of local government bodies, in order to understand how to integrate this vision into future European Cohesion Policies.

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