21 December 2022

“Women move Europe’s mountains”: the example of UNIMONT in the Euromontana booklet

For International Mountain Day, celebrated every year on 11th December and this year dedicated to the theme “Women move mountains”, Euromontana has published a booklet entitled “Women move Europe’s mountains” which includes the contribution of Professor Anna Giorgi, head of the UNIMONT Centre of the University of Milan.

Euromontana, a European multi-sector association for the cooperation and development of mountain areas of which the UNIMONT Centre of the University of Milan is a member of the Board, has selected thirteen testimonies of women who live in European mountain areas or work for their sustainable development. In the booklet “Women move Europe’s mountains“, there is also the example of Professor Anna Giorgi who sees women who live or return to live in mountain areas as the protagonists of an indispensable change towards sustainability, equity and well-being of society. In fact, women have the opportunity to “change society, replacing wealth with well-being, becoming custodians rather than ‘consumers’“. In fact, women have the opportunity to “change society, replacing wealth with well-being, becoming custodians rather than ‘consumers’”.

The aim of the book “Women move Europe’s mountains” is to highlight the roles covered by women in their communities, underlining not only the challenges they face every day – often with lack of adequate recognition, but also the opportunities they have been able to develop.

The book is available in English and French.

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