Youth4Mountains Series – Alpine mountain environments: a climate-sensitive fragile ecosystem

Secondo incontro del ciclo di seminari “Youth4Mountains”. In lingua inglese.

Climate change has a cascading impact on alpine mountain environments. The diverse aspects of mountain environments such as glaciers, rivers, biodiversity, agroecosystems, humans and urban settlements are vulnerable to climate alterations. This lecture will explore the understanding of climate-driven vulnerabilities and adaptation in the alpine mountain regions.


Prof. Anna Giorgi – Director of UNIMONT Centre, President of the Bachelor’s Degree in Conservation a Sustainable Development of Moutain Areas and President of Master’s Degree in Valorization and Sustaibable Development of Moutain Areas.


Gaurav Kumar – student of the International Master’s Degree Course in “Valorization and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas”



Relator’s academic profile 

Gaurav Kumar is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Valorization and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas at the University of Milan, Universita Della Montagna (Unimont), Italy. His research interests are Alpine Ecology, Climate Vulnerability Assessment & Adaptation and Wetlands Management. He has a Master’s in Ecology and Environment Studies from Nalanda University, India. He has worked as a researcher in the Wildlife Protection Department of the Government of Ladakh in India and studied alpine soils, vegetation and Snow Leopards with reference to climate change. His experiences also include working as a researcher in the Environment, Forest & Climate Change Department of the Government of Bihar in India on projects pertaining to Climate Vulnerability assessment, Climate Adaptation policies and Management of Ramsar Wetlands. His work comprised the implementation of climate and wetlands-related policies. He has authored climate adaptation policies and research articles on environment management in India.

For agronomists and forestry doctors the event is accredited with 0.375 CFP pursuant to reg. CONAF on continuous training.

For Geometri and Geometri Laureati of Brescia the initiative is credited with the release of 2 Professional Training Credits, only with 100% frequency.

Polo UNIMONT (Edolo, BS) e Online
4:00 pm
Gaurav Kumar - studente del corso di Laurea Magistrale in Valorization And Sustainable Development Of Mountain Areas
Montagne: Living Labs di innovazione per la transizione ecologica e digitale
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