28 Maggio 2018

XI European Mountain Convention

“Cultural Heritage as an Engine for Creativity, Innovation and Socioeconomic Development of Mountain areas”

 Vatra Dornei, Romania | 25 – 26 – 27 September 2018

How can we turn an unreplaceable inheritance from the past into a game changer for our future?

This is the objective of the XI European Mountain Convention on Cultural Heritage as an Engine for Creativity, Innovation and Socioeconomic Development of Mountain areas”.

With one day of study visits and 2 days of conference, this XI European Mountain Convention will help mountain people to better exploit all the added value of their cultural heritage and turn it into an engine for the future development of their mountain areas.

Come and:

  • Exchange with a wide range of mountain actors: researchers, policy-makers, officers of regions and development agencies, farmers, tourism actors, and practitioners from all over Europe
  • Obtain an overview of strategies and tools to better valorise cultural heritage in mountain areas
  • Actively participate in workshops and explore good practices

More information and registration are available on Euromontana’s website

Draft agenda

Click here to register

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