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Three minutes with the expert: the new approach to mountain development – Prof. Anna Giorgi at a hearing at the Department of Regional Affairs and Autonomies as part of the ITALIAE project

Alliances between territories are some of the great novelties and specificities of these territories. Unique features must be maintained but at the same time linked together. This is especially true of Italian mountain areas, a mosaic of specificity. Mountain are places where new development models can be tested. Prof. Anna Giorgi, Full Professor of the […]

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UNIMONT, Center of Excellence of the University of Milan takes part in the meeting “Do people still live in parks?”

A chat with the Associazione Riabitare l’Italia, the Italian Meteorological Society, UNIMONT – University of Milan – Officine Giovani Aree Interne and Consorzio Caire Tomorrow, 2nd July 2022, Prof. Anna Giorgi – Coordinator of the Undergraduate Course in Enhancement and Protection of the Mountain Environment  will take part in the meeting “Do people still live in […]

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From Edolo to Innsbruck: UNIMONT contributes at the International Mountain Conference 2022

The International Mountain Conference will be held from 11th to 15th September in Innsbruck, Austria, and UNIMONT, University of Milan Centre, will preside over two discussion sessions. The International Mountain Conference (IMC), in which more than 70 discussion sessions and workshops will be held, will focus on mountain research. The IMC will be an opportunity for experts from […]

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Become a planner for the sustainable development of mountain areas

Enroll in the First Level Master in Project Management for the Mountains and compete for the assignment of a scholarship to cover all costs! 08-01-2022 – Admission is open for the First Level Specialising Master in Project Management for Mountain areas, organized by the UNIMONT Centre of the University of Milan in collaboration with the […]

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A course dedicated to sustainable tourism in mountain areas is part of the new Master’s degree MOUNTAINSIDE at the UNIMONT campus

The new Master’s Degree course in VALORIZATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF MOUNTAIN AREAS offered by the UNIMONT centre of the University of Milan (class LM-73) promotes the learning of methods, techniques and technologies for the analysis and evaluation of territorial and environmental resources regarding tourism in mountain areas

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UNIMONT at the EUSALP Summer Camp: an opportunity to promote the sharing of ideas among young people of the Alpine Region

Rosanna Minello, first year student of the Degree Course in Development and Protection of the Mountain Environment of the University of Milan – UNIMONT Centre,  took part in the Summer camp promoted by EUSALP (European Strategy for the Alpine Macro-Region). The camp was held in Predazzo (TN) from 18th to 22nd July. The Summer Camp was […]

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MOUNTAINSIDE : a new Master’s Degree Course that allows you to study and become an expert in sustainable development in the mountains, for the mountains

Enrollment is open for the new Master’s Degree course in VALORIZATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF MOUNTAIN AREAS – promoted by the UNIMONT centre of the University of Milan (class LM-73): a unique and multidisciplinary university course that prepares mountain professionals in contact with nature, in Edolo, in the province of Brescia, in the heart of […]

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Edolo and UNIMONT – Centre of the University of Milan – in the center of the Alpine Region

On 15th, 16th and 17th June, the UNIMONT Centre of the University of Milan hosted a series of meetings organized in collaboration with the Lombardy Region in the framework of the European Strategy for the Alpine Macro-Region (EUSALP) focused on identifying policies aimed at promoting a sustainable future in mountain areas. Attilio Fontana, President of […]

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Visit the UNIMONT Campus, Center of Excellence of the University of Milan and discover the educational offer for mountain areas

Bachelor’s Degree – Master’s Degree – First Level Master UNIMONT is the University of Milan Centre, located in Edolo, in the province of Brescia, in the heart of the Central Alps, specialized in promoting the development of mountain areas. The Campus includes a research center, CRC Ge.S.Di.Mont., and an education center, which hosts training activities […]

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A-RING – Alpine Research and Innovation Capacity Governance

Newsletter 3, June 2022 The main objective of the A-RING project, leader by the Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods of the University of Milan, was to align priorities in the research and innovation sector of the regions included in the Alpine Macroregion (EUSALP – EU Strategy for the Alpine Region) with the aim of promoting thematic collaborations at transnational level. Dear […]

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