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Great success for the “Youth4Mountains” international seminar series: this is the context in which the students of the new MOUNTAINSIDE course will build their professionalism

May 2022, Youth4Mountains has just ended: a series of 3 international workshops dedicated to youth entrepreneurship in mountain areas which saw the participation of young people from mountain ranges all over the world. A perfect example of the “glocal” and innovative approach on which the new MOUNTAINSIDE master’s degree course is based, at the UNIMONT […]

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Final event of the A-RING project – Alpine Research Innovation capacity Governance

The final event of the A-RING – Alpine Research Innovation capacity Governance project will take place in the Sala Napoleonica of the University of Milan on Tuesday 31st May 2022, from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

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The UNIMONT Centre of the University of Milan is organizing a series of events to promote the sustainable future of the Alps, as part of the European Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP)

On 15th, 16th and 17th June the UNIMONT Centre of the University of Milan will coordinate a series of meetings organized as part of the European Strategy for the Alpine Macro-Region (EUSALP) aimed at young people and local administrators to promote the implementation of policies for a sustainable future in mountain areas.

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Furing the final conference of A-RING project, may 31st 2022, some poster sessions will provide an opportunity to showcase Research & Innovation projects, practices, services and products dealing in the realm of the following broad topics Circular Economy Sustainable/ Smart Mobility Digitalization and in particular the use of Artificial Intelligence Social Innovation Proposal realized or […]

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“Mountains and Green Communities”: the Hon. Gelmini presents the new mountain law in Edolo

Saturday 30th April 2022 – Hon. Mariastella Gelmini, Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies with responsibility for the mountains, met mountain stakeholders at UNIMONT – Centre of excellence at the Mountain Campus of the University of Milan, as part of a meeting promoted by ANCI Lombardy and ANCI Piedmont in Edolo, a small town in […]

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Euromontana calls on mountain actors to uptake the cohesion policy funds to meet the challenges of our regions

The Montana174 project publishes a set of educational factsheets explaining how mountain communities can make use of the 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy to meet their specific needs.

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MOUNTAINSIDE. A new Master’s degree program specifically for the sustainable development of mountain areas

The new Master’s Degree course in VALORIZATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF MOUNTAIN AREAS, promoted by the UNIMONT centre of the University of Milan, belongs to category LM 73: the only Master’s degree category that includes the sustainable development of mountain areas among its objectives.

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PREHISTORY WEBINAR: take part in a series of meetings on rock art and the Copper Age of Valle Camonica

As part of the scientific collaboration agreement between the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici and the University of Milan (Department of Cultural and Environmental Heritage, and the Research Center “Centre of Applied Studies for the Sustainable Management and Protection of Mountain Areas – Ge.S.DiMont” part of the UNIMONT centre of the University of Milan), 10 […]

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The bill for the development of mountain areas has been approved

On Thursday 10th March the Council of Ministers approved the bill containing “Provisions for the development and enhancement of mountain areas” – the result of consultation work with the contribution of experts from the University of Milan and its UNIMONT Centre – which aims to ensure accessibility to all essential services even in mountain areas, […]

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OPEN DAY Bachelor’s Degree Course “Development and Protection of the Mountain Environment”

The UNIMONT Campus of the University of Milan is organizing an Open Day on Saturday 7th May 2022 at 10.00 a.m. to present the training offer of the centre, and, in particular, the Bachelor’s Degree Course in Development and Protection of the Mountain Environment.

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