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Study in UNIMONT | Let’s meet your Institute – Career guidance activities and lesson simulation

UNIMONT is organizing guidance days to present the educational offer of UNIMONT and in particular the Degree Course in Conservation and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas.

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RIS3 Strategies for a competitive and sustainable ecosystem in the Alpine Region

The Ge.S.Di.Mont. Research Center of UNIMONT – pole of excellence of the University of Milan, collaborating with the Lombardy Region for the coordination of the Action 1 Group – Research & Innovation, organises the workshop “RIS3 Strategies for a competitive and sustainable ecosystem in the Alpine Region”, within the Interreg Alpine Space project AlpGov II.

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“WHERE THE CAP IS GOING”: meeting on the evolution of the CAP, between the Green Deal and transitional regulations.

The Research centre Ge.S.Di.Mont. of UNIMONT – Centre of Excellence of the University of Milan – invites you to watch the recording of the event “Where the CAP is going” broadcast live in streaming and organized by Coldiretti, in which UNIMONT participated with great interest, in order to find out important news about the national strategic plan […]

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28 January 2021 – Online Forum “HOW I MET… MY FUTURE JOB”

The Ge.S.Di.Mont. Research Center of UNIMONT – pole of excellence of the University of Milan that collaborates with the Lombardy Region for the management of the Action 1 Group – Research & Innovation, suggest the Online Forum “How I Met…My Future Job” organised by Action Group 3. Many young people today have the dream of becoming entrepreneurs […]

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UNIMONT joins the Euromontana Board reinforcing the alliance with the European level to make the Italian mountains protagonists of the “Green Deal”, thanks to innovation and to young entrepreneurs

The Ge.S.Di.Mont. Research Center of UNIMONT – Centre of Excellence of the University of Milan, as a member representing the University of Milan, joined the Euromontana General Assembly meeting to renew aimed at renewing the Board for the next four years and reflecting on the next priorities for the sustainable development of mountain areas. On that occasion, […]

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Submit your scientific contribution to the Special Issue: “Sustainable Development in Mountain Areas” of the international journal Sustainability

The Ge.S.Di.Mont. Research Center of UNIMONT – Centre of Excellence of the University of Milan encourages researchers to submit scientific contributions to the Special Issue entitled “Sustainable Development in Mountain Areas”  of the international journal Sustainability, which Prof. Dr. Annamaria Giorgi and Dr. Luca Giupponi are serving as Guest Editors.

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International Technical Webinar “Open and Transparent Forest Data: Innovation and Technology for Climate Action”

The Ge.S.Di.Mont. Research Center of UNIMONT – Centre of Excellence of the University of Milan highlights an international technical webinar “Open and Transparent Forest data: Innovation and Technology for Climate Action” organased by FAO e-Learning Academy on November 11th, via streaming.

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UNIMONT, success story of the municipality of Edolo: a university centre of excellence in the heart of the Alps

The Municipality of Edolo was the focus of “LUOGHI DA AMARE”, a television program dedicated to the presentation of places and territories that contain unique specialties and specificities. This uniqueness also includes UNIMONT – the Mountain University: an innovative research and teaching centre in the heart of the Alps, in Edolo (BS).

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Italian Mountain Lab: collaboration between universities for innovation in mountain areas

The Italian Mountain Lab (IML) project – FISR project – MIUR special supplementary fund for research, led by the University of Milan, with its centre of excellence UNIMONT, the University of Tuscia and the University of Piedmont Oriental, produces new knowledge to prepare for the innovation that mountain territories need for sustainable development.

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Unimont Literary Review racCONTA LA MONTAGNA 2020-2021 – Everything is ready for the Fourth Edition!

The calendar of meetings has been defined and everything is ready for the fourth edition of the popular Unimont literary review “racCONTA LA MONTAGNA” which through iconic literary publications will accompany participants in the exploration of new mountain places and in the discovery of new meanings linked to the world of the highlands.

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