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Virtual Live Learning Sessions for Alpine Region stakeholders

Part of the Interreg Alpine Space A-Ring, International Project Cycle of 5 learning sessions that provides Alpine Region stakeholders an opportunity to gain understanding of national and regional research and innovation eco-systems

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Unimont reopens its doors to students. Lessons of Academic Year 2020-2021 now starting

After more than six months of closure, on Monday 28th September 2020, the headquarters of the Mountain University – Centre of excellence of the University of Milan located in Edolo – reopened its doors to students, with an introduction to university life specially designed for new undergraduates.

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30.09.2020 WEBINAR “Conservation of Anthropocene Refugia in mountain landscapes”

from the Italian Mountain Lab project: a strategic alliance between universities for the Italian mountains The University of Tuscia has organized and presented the webinar “Conservation of Anthropocene Refugia in mountain landscapes” 

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UNIMONT – centre of excellence of the University of Milan – signs the appeal for conservation and territorial enhancement of the 2020 edition of “Climbing for Climate” organized by the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development

The University of Milan participated, with its UNIMONT Research Center Ge.S.Di.Mont. – centre of excellence of the University of Milan – in the second edition of “Climbing for Climate – CFC”

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CFC – Climbing For Climate second edition

CFC – Climbing For Climate second edition. On the trail of the Vaia storm in Valcamonica. Excursion to the Baitone basin.

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New Degree Course Coordinator

9th September 2020. The new coordinator of the didactic board of the degree course in  Conservation and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas  has been elected. The task was entrusted to Prof. Anna Giorgi, starting from 1st October. With our warmest congratulations and best wishes for this new task!  

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European Research and Innovation Days – 22-24 september – Enrollment Open

The Ge.S.Di.Mont. Research Center of UNIMONT – centre of excellence of the University of Milan – announces the opening of  enrollment for the “European Research and Innovation Days” , which will be held online from 22 to 24 September 2020.

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8 September 2020: Unimont closing notice.

On Tuesday 8 September 2020, on the occasion of the patronal feast of Edolo, the headquarters of the Degree Course in  Conservation and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas will be closed.

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Notice of Unimont Opening Hours in September

In September the Edolo Secretariat will be open as follows: Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 12.30. It is also specified that the study rooms will remain closed until further indications from the university.

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The Mountain University, a strategic reality for economic recovery in mountain areas.

UNIMONT Mountain University – the Centre of Excellence of the University of Milan based in Edolo, will be strengthened thanks to funding granted under the “Marshall Plan” of the Lombardy Region for the implementation of the university campus in Edolo. August 2020. The news is fresh from the press: the  Lombardy Regional Government  has approved the […]

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