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Internation Seminar about the “SMART ALTITUDE” project

Seminar June 17th 2020 – h 11.00 LIVE STREAMING ONLY Il CrC Gesdimont di UNIMONT – Pole of Excellence of the University of Milan, located in Edolo – reports the international webinar organized as part of the Smart Altitude Research Project, of which Unimont is a partner. 

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MOUNTAIN UNIVERSITY ON-LINE OPEN DAY: More than 100 students took part in the Unimont Live Event

The Open Day of the Degree Course in Conservation and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas of the Mountain University – University of Milan Centre of Excellence located in Edolo, was held on Saturday 16th May. The Open Day was held online for the first time, through the use of the virtual classroom, which for many years […]

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Online Webinar dedicated to soil consumption in the Alpine Region

The CRC Gesdimont of UNIMONT – Pole of Excellence of the University of Milan – promotes a moment of comparison between international standards on the issues of soil conservation and the conservation of ecosystem services in the Alpine Region. The webinar is part of the activity of the ARPAF Impuls4Action project – which sees the collaboration between three different EUSALP action groups. CONTENT […]

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TREE:HERO – Project updates

Despite the difficulties linked to the Covid19 emergency, the researchers of the TREE: HERO project have continued their research activities by analyzing the data collected last autumn in the Valcamonica and Valseriana woods.

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ANNA GIORGI in the MIUR WORKING GROUP for the definition of the National Research Program 2021-2027

Anna Giorgi, Professor of Environmental and Applied Botany at the University of Milan, director of the Ge.S.Di.Mont Research Centre of UNIMONT and leader of the action group 1 – research and innovation – of the European Strategy of the Alpine Region (EUSALP)

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Unimont activities during Lockdown

The RESILIENCE of a University centre that shares knowledge and ideas from THE MOUNTAINS and encourages interaction between mountain and urban areas! A few statistics and the next events!

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1° Newsletter Impuls4Action

In April the first project newsletter was sent! Click on the images below to enlarge them and read the text or download here the complete newsletter in pdf format!

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The Manual Oro Rosso delle Alpi

“Oro Rosso Delle Alpi” is a technical-scientific manual produced by UNIMONT in 2015. it is a useful tool for those who want to approach saffron cultivation as the various techniques to produce the spice are described in a simple language.

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OPEN DAY ONLINE Bachelor’s Degree in Conservation and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas saturday 16 may 2020 h 10:00  This year the Unimont Open Day will be held remotely, in live streaming!

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EAAP Mountain Livestock Farming Working Group (MLF), FAO-CIHEAM Mountain Pastures Sub-Network (MP) and University of Ljubljana are promoting a joint meeting focused on the topic of the mountains in the function of agroecosystems for people.

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