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Saffron can be produced in MOUNTAIN AREAS: here are the studies carried out

The UNIMONT group has carried out several studies on the possibility of growing saffron in Italy, analyzing its economic performance and quality. The publications relating to the studies are available at the following links:

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A small FREE MANUAL for saffron CULTIVATION good practices

The UNIMONT research group has collected the fundamental information for the production of saffron in a small brochure that can be downloaded for free by clicking HERE.

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ITALIAN SAFFRON is top quality and it is proven by science!

In November 2019 the scientific journal “Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality” published the article “Quality traits of saffron produced in Italy: geographical area effect and good practices” reporting the results of the quality of saffron produced in Italy. This work is the result of research conducted by the UNIMONT team

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Which are the uniqueness and the keys to the success of UNIMONT?

These elements will be discussed in Brussels at the meeting “Rethinking the territorial balance between urban and rural areas in the European mountains”

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Take part in the 2019 European Strategy Forum for the Alpine Region! The Italian presidency presents the results of a year of activity with 7 states and 48 regions.

28-29 November, Palazzo Lombardia (Milan) – Launch of the 3rd FORUM of the European Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) – organized by the Lombardy Region, the Government and the European Commission at the end of the Italian Presidency; the UNIMONT – CrC Ge.S.Di.Mont. Center, from the beginning of the process supporting the Lombardy Region in the […]

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UNIMONT students jury at the Winning Ideas Mountain Awards mountain – tourism and sustainability category

21st November 2019 – The Mountain University – UNIMONT, pole of Excellence of the University of Milan located in Edolo (BS) is part of the jury of the Winning Ideas Mountain Awards. Award dedicated to creative projects in the field of technology, innovation, sustainable tourism, clothing, equipment and technological promotion in mountain areas. Four are the students of the […]

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After four challenging days for the researchers of the TREE: HERO project, the XII National Congress of the Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF) entitled “The useful science for forests: research and transfer” held in Palermo between 12th and 15th November 2019 has now finished. The research group led by professors Gian Battista Bischetti (UNIMI-UNIMONT), Tommaso Sitzia […]

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In the Lombardy Region, at the EUSALP Annual Forum, 96 young people of the Alpine States to the first European #MountainHack for the sustainable development of the mountain territories

27-29 November 2019, Lombardy Region, Milan – The Assessor Caparini opened the activities of the first EU Mountain Hack, an international project marathon for sustainable mountain development that takes place in the context of the third Annual Forum of the European Strategy for the Alpine Region. The Mountain-Hack is promoted by the Ministry of Education, University and […]

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On 28th – 29th November 2019, Lombardy Region, Milan – UNIMONT – centre of Excellence of the University of Milan in Edolo actively participated in the third annual forum of the European strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) organized by the Lombardy Region at the conclusion of the Italian presidency year. The UNIMONT centre, which has been supporting the Lombardy Region in the leadership […]

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December, 11th – Ponte di Legno (BS) – Winter tourism and sports in Alpine Areas: future perspectives and scenarios

The CrC Ge.S.Di.Mont. of UNIMONT – detached research centre Edolo of the State University of Milan, invites all stakeholders of the mountain area to participate in the event “Winter tourism and sports in the Alpine Area: perspectives and future scenarios” to be held on the 11th December at the Municipality of Ponte di Legno (BS) from 16.00 to […]

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