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Start of second edition of the literary review “racCONTA LA MONTAGNA” by UNIMONT

Eight appointments dedicated to reading and literature on mountain themes organized from October 2018 to May 2019 by the Mountain University – Edolo Campus of the University of Milan where mountains are the protagonist as an inspiration for emblematic literary products. Also this year the combination of literature and mountain territory will be celebrated with […]

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Connecting and transforming territories is the theme proposed by the third Conference of the Alps in progress cycle. Organized by the “Laurent Ferretti” Observatory of the Courmayeur Mont Blanc Foundation together with the Order of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservationists of Valle d’Aosta, the program of meetings, conferences and publications has been developed and organized by Francesca Chiorino and Marco Mulazzani.

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The Mountain Dimension of Cooperation – Expert Workshop

The Expert Workshop Mountain Dimension of Cooperation will be held on 9th November from 9:00-17:00 in the Conference Centre Albert Borschette, Brussels. The objective of the one-day seminar is to discuss on policies, projects and governance that contribute to the development of mountainous areas in the EU. It will bring together EU Institutions, Interreg programmes, stakeholders and representatives […]

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Mountain 4.0: the second edition is underway to enhance the mountain territory

The course intends to continue the reflection begun together with the local community for an increasingly articulated and extended “enhancement of the mountains”. Launched in the first edition in 2017/2018, it is organized by the Municipality of Bormio that has led to an organic project – which now continues – elaborated by Maria Chiara Cattaneo […]

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UNIMONT AT ESSENZIALI A MILANO: “Qualità ed efficacia: il futuro degli oli essenziali”

On 4th and 5th October, at the University of Milan-Bicocca, “Essenziali a Milano” will be held, two days of dedicated study and professional updating regarding future applications for essential oils in the medical, nutritional and cosmetic fields. The initiative, promoted by the magazine Erboristeria domani with FEM2 Environment, official spin-off of the University of Milan-Bicocca, […]

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UNIMONT at the 28th edition of Incontri Tra/ Montani: dairy production and animal husbandry in the Alpine and pre-Alpine valleys

The 28th edition of the Incontri Tra/Montani, an event dedicated to the historical, economic and cultural aspects of  dairy and zootechnical activities and their rediscovered value for territorial development, took place from 28th to 30th September 2018, in Valassina – Prato Buscante di BARZIO (LC). The conference “DAIRY ART AND ZOOTECHNY IN THE ALPINE AND PREALPINE VALLEYS: […]

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Siberian wheat of Valtellina – a local traditional variety

As part of the strategic initiatives for the economic revitalization of mountain areas, the numerous local varieties and breeds have a central role, representing unique resources to be surveyed, characterized and enhanced through specific high-income agro-food chains. In this sense the Mountain University (UNIMONT) – University of Milan is carrying out important work in the valleys […]

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The Italian Mountain Lab Project was presented at Terra Madre Salone Del Gusto

From 20th to 24th September, in Turin, Terra Madre Salone del Gusto, the largest international event dedicated to food organized by SlowFood, the Piedmont Region and the City of Turin in collaboration with the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies and the involvement of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, returned […]

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11th International Beech Symposium

‘Natural and Managed Beech Forests as Reference Ecosystems for the Sustainable Management of Forest Resources and the Conservation of Biodiversity’. The conference is open to scientists/practitioners/policy makers and welcomes all contributes related to:  Biology and ecology of beech, including genetics, physiology, paleoecology and biogeography  Natural dynamics of beech forests and their importance for biodiversity conservation  Management of beech forests and their role in […]

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During the European Week of Regions and Cities, a workshop “ISLANDS, MOUNTAINS AND SPARSELY POPULATED AREAS: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES will be organized, on the 9th October, in Brussels. The Workshop objective is to discuss the main challenges faced by islands, mountains and sparsely populated areas, in particular in the environment and energy fields, and the current […]

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