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Summer School at Garibaldi Refuge

As part of the Italian Mountain Lab project – FISR project, special supplementary research fund for the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), headed by UNIMONT-University of Milan in partnership with the University of Eastern Piedmont and the University of Tuscia, as part of the educational and networking activities, the first Summer School took place […]

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Heritage of memories – learning tourism in the mountains

Thanks to the collaboration underway in the Italian Mountain Lab – FISR project, special supplementary research fund for the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), headed by UNIMONT-University of Milan in partnership with the University of Eastern Piedmont and the University of Tuscia, there was an important conference dedicated to “learning tourism” on 22nd […]

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racCONTA LA MONTAGNA: end of the first edition, new ideas for upcoming events

At the end of the first edition of racCONTA LA MONTAGNA, set up to remember Alida Bruni, the friend and collaborator of the Mountain University – Edolo campus of the University of Milan, UNIMONT would like to thank all the participants and the protagonists of the meetings, from the authors to the students, from the […]

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UNIMONT at a three day conference for the national digital school plan

FUTURAcqua enlivened the city of Rieti with three days of training, innovation, experiences, workshops and shows about the Digital School and the Water Cities of the future on 7-8-9 June 2018. On this occasion, the mountains, too, play a particularly interesting role in launching a strategy of innovation in Italian schools and positioning the education […]

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UNIMONT at the Forum Alpinum 2018

Following the 2014 Forum Alpinum, “Alpine resources: use, valorisation and management from local to macro-regional scalel”, held in Darfo Boario Terme (BS) under the Italian presidency of the International Scientific Committee on Alpine Research (ISCAR) and led by Professor Anna Giorgi of the Mountain University – the Edolo campus of the University of Milan, today UNIMONT is participating […]

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Forum Origin, Diversity and Territories

The organizers of the Forum Origin, Diversity and Territories invite researchers, experts, students, and professionals to share their experience, research or participatory experiment findings in the territories by submitting their contribution in relation with the main theme of this year’s edition: Perspectives on territories in transition If you are interested to submit your contribution, sent the following documents […]

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XI European Mountain Convention

“Cultural Heritage as an Engine for Creativity, Innovation and Socioeconomic Development of Mountain areas”  Vatra Dornei, Romania | 25 – 26 – 27 September 2018 How can we turn an unreplaceable inheritance from the past into a game changer for our future? This is the objective of the XI European Mountain Convention on “Cultural Heritage as an […]

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pantaiES Ecosystem Services

pantaiES helps those who manage natural capital to be remunerated for their work and ensures that those who generate an impact on ecosystems are adequately compensated. The bank that provides the compensation includes land associations, consortia, and natural capital holders willing to implement compensatory measures and to sign payment contracts for ecosystem services. Authorization procedures […]

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TCI with the Foundation for the Development of the Oltrepò Pavese to support local tourism

Meetings and participatory planning laboratories dedicated to tour operators. Enhancing tourism in the Oltrepò Pavese: this is the aim of the project born from the collaboration between the Foundation for the Development of Oltrepò Pavese and the Italian Touring Club, as part of the “Oltrepò biodiverso” initiative, which is co-funded by the Cariplo Foundation to […]

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Multi risk assessment of alpine environment

International Summer School Crodo (VB), 10 – 13 July 2018 From 10th to 13th July, our PhD program, in cooperation with IRPI-CNR, organises the second edition of the field school “Multi-risk Assessment of Alpine Environment”. Lessons and field trips are scheduled. The course will end with a test and it’s worth 6 credits. Program of […]

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