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UNIMONT at RAI: testimony of excellent training in Italy

On 8th January, RAI Community – L’altra Italia, the program broadcast by RAI to Italians abroad, showed the report dedicated to Unimont – University of Milan as a center of excellence active in the training of young people who will work in the mountains. You can see the programme on the dedicated online page: CLICK HERE RAI Community […]

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Acting together for the mountains: great success at CIME A MILANO

On Tuesday December 12th, the national and international mountain networks were invited to participate at the kick off meeting of the ITALIAN MOUNTAIN LAB project at CIME A MILANO – Networks, Research, Innovation for Mountains, organized by UNIMONT in collaboration with the Club Alpino Italiano (CAI). The working day ” ITALIAN MOUNTAIN LAB – A participatory platform for the […]

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UNIMONT – The Mountains University based in Edolo – and the Club Alpino Italiano (CAI) are proud to host the second year of CIME on December 11th and 12th at the University of Milan.CIME 2017 will be entirely dedicated to research and innovation for the mountains. CIME is hosted in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), the University […]

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Presentation of the festival “racCONTA LA MONTAGNA”

CIME A MILANO – Networks, Research And Innovation for the Mountains, organized by UNIMONT – Edolo Campus of the University of Milan, in partnership with the National Italian Alpine Club and held on 11th and 12th December 2017 at the University of Milan, included a book festival “racCONTA LA MONTAGNA”, dedicated to fiction and non-fiction […]

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1ST ANNUAL FORUM OF THE EU STRATEGY FOR THE ALPINE REGION (EUSALP): Action Group 1 – Research and Innovation meets the stakeholders

For the First Annual Forum of the EU Stategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP), Action Group 1 led a workshop to showcase what the group are implementing in the Alpine Region in relation to Research, Innovation and Networking. On November 24th, in Munich, Action Group 1, led by Professor Anna Giorgi, gathered together stakeholders from […]

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n November, the Agreement for the Management of the Degree Course in “Conservation and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas” and the Edolo Campus of the University of Milan, called the Mountain University (UNIMONT), was renewed. The institutions which promote the venture (Province of Brescia, Comunità Montana di Valle Camonica, Consorzio Comuni B.I.M. di Valle Camonica, […]

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Research and Innovation Ecosystem for the Alpine Region

WORKSHOP organized by ACTION GROUP 1 during the First Annual Forum of the EU Stategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) 24 Novembre 2017 | 09:00 – 10:30 Auditorium, BWM Welt (MUNICH)  The development of an effective Research and Innovation Ecosystem in the Alpine Region requires to bring together the existing potentials of 7 Countries and 48 Regions to better exploit […]

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1st Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP)

The event, taking place on 23-24 November 2017 at BMW World in Munich, is jointly organised by Bavaria (current Presidency of the EUSALP) and the European Commission (Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy). Stakeholders from the Alpine region will gather to take stock of the progress achieved so far, and to define the way ahead. The […]

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The Mountain University – Center of Excellence at the Edolo Campus of the University of Milan – hosted numerous representatives of mountain areas at the international workshop on the “Circular Economy”. The Mountain University was chosen by its German partners to host one of the six workshops on various sustainable priorities in order to engage […]

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On Wednesday 21st June 2017, Professor Marcello Duranti started the 2nd stage Alvina Project – from Edolo to Montecarlo –  that will lead him to complete the crossing of the Alpine Region. The Mountain University – the Edolo campus of the University of Milan – has been the starting point and it will follow Duranti […]

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