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UNIMONT at the multidisciplinary workshop “Rock and Stone: Material Culture and Practical Culture”

There will be a conference entitled “Rock and Stone: Material Culture and Practical Culture” organized by Nature, Art & Habitat (NAHR), with the patronage of various national and/or regional institutions and the partnership of the Val Taleggio Ecomuseum on 2nd, 3rd ,4th  and 10th, 11th  June, in Val Taleggio (Bergamo) The main focus of the […]

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The Mountain University hosts the man who will cross the Alpine Region

On Monday 8th May 2017, Marcello Duranti presented his project and announced the 2nd stage that will lead him to complete the crossing of the Alpine Region, at the University of Mountain – the Edolo campus of the University of Milan. The workshop “Walk along the Alpine road from Trieste to Monte Carlo (passing through Edolo): […]

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“Mountain farming in South Tyrol” – study day

There will be a study day dedicated to “Mountain Agriculture in South Tyrol” on Friday  7th July2017 at the Teodone / Brunico Agricultural School (BZ). The event is organized by the Laimburg Experimentation Center and the Libera Università di Bozen-Bolzano, with the support of MILA Latte Montagna Alto Adige, Teodone Agricultural School, BRING, Südtiroler Bauernbund, […]

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Unimont students leave for ERASMUS

On February, students from University of Mountain could applied to study abroad and do an internship: 3 students have been selected for the Erasmus Placement. Giacomo Colombo is the first student who leaves to go to the Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) in Portugal. He is 24, he lives in Milano and he […]

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The Mountain University at the “Mountain areas: green Infrastructure for innovation and development” conference

On Wednesday 3rd May 2017, Anna Giorgi of the Mountain University in  Edolo will attend the conference organized by LUMSA – Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta, with the patronage of the Italian Geographic Society.  The “Mountain areas: green infrastructure for  innovation and development” conference aims to gather together all those who are interested in mountain areas, […]

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On Friday 21st of April, at Centro Congressi Veronafiere, there will be the 3rd event of EuroPM 2017: PROJECT MANAGEMENT: EFFECTIVE EXPERTISE ON EU-FOUNDED PROGRAMS. The event leaded by Italian PMI Chapters in partnership with Eurosportello Confersercenti member EEN (Enterprise Europe Network), aims to highlight the importance of the PM best practices in EU environment, both regarding […]

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Unimont hosts a three-day intensive course as part of the education and higher technical training course (HTE)

The Mountain University in Edolo hosted a three-day intensive course in Techniques for the promotion of tourism products and services on 10th, 11th and 12th April. From the 10th to the 12th of April, Anna Giorgi, Director of the Centre of Applied Studies for the Sustainable Management and Protection of Mountain Areas, was the representative […]

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The Mountain University on Radio 24

A report about the Mountain University in Edolo, the university research and training center linked to the mountain territory, was broadcast on Radio 24 on Saturday, 8th April at 7.15 a.m. The radio crew of Radio 24 went to the Mountain University, the Edolo Campus (BS) of the University of Milan, to report on the […]

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