
News, events, stories from Unimont’s world … all the news gathered in one section, so you don’t miss any updates about the Degree Course or the activities and services offered by CrC Ge.S.Di.Mont.

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Study in UNIMONT | Let’s meet your Institute – Career guidance activities and lesson simulation

UNIMONT is organizing guidance days to present the educational offer of UNIMONT and in particular the Degree Course in Conservation and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas.

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Unimont reopens its doors to students. Lessons of Academic Year 2020-2021 now starting

After more than six months of closure, on Monday 28th September 2020, the headquarters of the Mountain University – Centre of excellence of the University of Milan located in Edolo – reopened its doors to students, with an introduction to university life specially designed for new undergraduates.

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New Degree Course Coordinator

9th September 2020. The new coordinator of the didactic board of the degree course in  Conservation and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas  has been elected. The task was entrusted to Prof. Anna Giorgi, starting from 1st October. With our warmest congratulations and best wishes for this new task!  

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8 September 2020: Unimont closing notice.

On Tuesday 8 September 2020, on the occasion of the patronal feast of Edolo, the headquarters of the Degree Course in  Conservation and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas will be closed.

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Notice of Unimont Opening Hours in September

In September the Edolo Secretariat will be open as follows: Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 12.30. It is also specified that the study rooms will remain closed until further indications from the university.

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UNIMONT 2020 the enrollment to the undergraduate course in Conservation and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas is open.

Enrollment open for the admission to the Undergraduate course in Conservation and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas (class L-25). The course aims to prepare graduates who have acquired – in addition to the scientific method of investigation and experimentation – good basic knowledge in the main sectors of agricultural and forestry sciences.

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MOUNTAIN UNIVERSITY ON-LINE OPEN DAY: More than 100 students took part in the Unimont Live Event

The Open Day of the Degree Course in Conservation and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas of the Mountain University – University of Milan Centre of Excellence located in Edolo, was held on Saturday 16th May. The Open Day was held online for the first time, through the use of the virtual classroom, which for many years […]

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OPEN DAY ONLINE Bachelor’s Degree in Conservation and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas saturday 16 may 2020 h 10:00  This year the Unimont Open Day will be held remotely, in live streaming!

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Every year the University of Milan organizes meetings to introduce aspiring students to the educational facilities and the degree courses, providing the opportunity to find out more in depth about the educational offer and the University structures. The presentation meeting for the Agricultural and Food Science courses is scheduled for 10th February 2020 at 9:30 […]

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Disponibili due borse di studio per il Corso in Project Management per la Montagna

L’Università della Montagna segnala la disponibilità di due borse di studio a copertura della quota di iscrizione al Corso di Project Management per la Montagna, previo superamento della procedura di selezione per l’accesso al corso di perfezionamento.

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