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1st Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP)

The event, taking place on 23-24 November 2017 at BMW World in Munich, is jointly organised by Bavaria (current Presidency of the EUSALP) and the European Commission (Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy). Stakeholders from the Alpine region will gather to take stock of the progress achieved so far, and to define the way ahead. The […]

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EUSALP – EU STRATEGY FOR THE ALPINE REGION – is the fourth European Macro Regional Strategy,  involving 7 countries, 48 regions and 80 million people. Established to meet the important challenges of the Alpine Region, EUSALP is a strategic agenda for improving cooperation among Alpine States, stimulating innovative and sustainable development models. 9 Action Groups coordinated by Leaders […]

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Research Laboratories in the Alpine Area (RE-SEARCH ALPS)

At the kickoff meeting held in Modena on the 6th of July, UNIMONT has launched the research and development activities within the European Research Program “Research Laboratories in the Alpine Area (RE-SEARCH ALPS)” supported bu the Program Connecting Europe Facility 2014-2020 (GA N. INEA / CEF / ICT / A20126 / 1296967) and proposed in […]

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On Friday 21st of April, at Centro Congressi Veronafiere, there will be the 3rd event of EuroPM 2017: PROJECT MANAGEMENT: EFFECTIVE EXPERTISE ON EU-FOUNDED PROGRAMS. The event leaded by Italian PMI Chapters in partnership with Eurosportello Confersercenti member EEN (Enterprise Europe Network), aims to highlight the importance of the PM best practices in EU environment, both regarding […]

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EUSALP, the possibility to think mountains and cities on a new scale

On 25th and 26th January 2016, in Brdo, the Macroregional Strategy for the Alpine area (EUSALP) has been officially  launched. 7 Countries (Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, France) and, within them, 48 Regions created 9 action groups that  will work together to support and promote the Alpine territories: industrialized metropolises and mountain areas of the Alps engaged together to define action […]

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The launch of the Alpine Macroregion: Anna Giorgi will coordinate the ‘Research and Innovation’ Action Group

The launch event of the Macroregional Strategy for the Alpine area (Eusalp), an European initiative that will have an impact on a central and strategic area of Europe, populated by more than 70 million citizens, will be held in Brdo pri Kranju, near Ljubljana, on 25th and 26th January 2016. Lombardy will be the coordinator of the […]

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