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RESTARTALP: a startup project to do business in the Alps

For the fourth year Unimont confirms its partnership to support the ReStartAlp project, organized by Edoardo Garrone Foundation and Cariplo Foundation, to create startups committed to the economic and social development of the Alpine region. ReStartAlp, promoted by Edoardo Garrone Foundation and Cariplo Foundation, is a business incubator for the revival of the Alpine economy […]

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The end of the first step of Project Alvina: “ALpine VIrtual NAtion”

Hiking all over the Alps in two steps: the first step from Trieste to Edolo, the second one from Ventimiglia to Edolo, forming an ideal curly bracket centered on the Università della Montagna di Edolo, Val Camonica, Italy

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Enrolment now open for the PHD course in Environmental Sciences. There is time untill 6th July 2016. The PhD course in Environmental Sciences provides a highly multidisciplinary training for the study of environmental complexity. The course aims at fostering the interdisciplinary integration of Natural Sciences, including physics, biology and Earth sciences, with veterinary and agricultural […]

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Anna Giorgi speaker at WIRE 2016 for the Vanguard Initiative

The Vanguard Initiative – new growth through smart specialisation is hosting a session at the WIRE 2016 Conference (Eindhoven, 9 June 2016). Under the topic “Cross-regional collaboration for new industrial value chains : lessons from experience and needs for the future”, the session will aim at sharing various experiences in cross-regional collaboration for industrial transformation, identifying bottlenecks […]

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Swiss-Austrian Mountain Workshop 2016

Register now for the Swiss-Austrian Mountain Workshop 2016 The Programme of the Mountain Workshop 2016 has found its final form! The Swiss-Austrian Mountain Workshop 2016 will cover topics such as the Strategic Research Agenda ‘Mountains for Europe’s Future’; Energy Research in the Alps; Current mountain research in Slovenia: mountain farming, natural hazards, and protected areas; Acceptance, […]

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Infectious Disease – European Grant Writing Workshop

Infectious Disease European Grant Writing Workshop 27th June – 2nd July 2016 The workshop aims to bring together infectious disease researchers from across Europe to discuss and / or draft EU grant applications. If you have ideas or skills that may contribute to a bid, or have part formed consortia that you want to expand, […]

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Green infrastructure – New Challenges for Urban Landscape Planning

EUSALP Action group 7 co-leads kindly invite you to join the international conference ”Green infrastructure – New Challenges for Urban Landscape Planning” in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 17th of May 2016. Download the programme. Registration is mandatory and now possible (click HERE).

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