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UNIMONT reports a call for papers on “Woodland Resurgence and Sustainability in Mountains—Patterns, Drivers, and Social-Ecological Consequences”

What drives the resurgence of woodlands in mountain areas, and under what conditions can it best benefit local communities and ecosystems? Mountain Research and Development invites systematic assessments of innovative interventions or action research, empirical studies and meta-analyses on trends, drivers, and consequences of woodland resurgence, as well as review-based agendas for future research, policies, […]

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“Lontano dalla vetta” di Caterina Soffici

Il secondo libro della 7ª edizione della rassegna letteraria racCONTA LA MONTAGNA, promossa da UNIMONT, è edito da Ponte alle Grazie in collaborazione con il CAI nella collana “Passi”.   IL LIBRO: C’è chi va in montagna in cerca del midollo della vita, per sfuggire ai propri fantasmi e alle ansie metropolitane. E chi – […]

UNIMONT, via Morino 8 Edolo
Caterina Soffici
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Skills for Mountains in Transitions: UNIMONT’s experience shared internationally

The conference “Skills for Mountains in transitions,” to be held on 11/21/2023 in Brussels (BE), will feature the participation of Professor Anna Giorgi, who has been invited to share internationally the experience of UNIMONT, Excellence Hub of the University of Milan, as a promoter of skills for the sustainable development of mountain areas.   Mountain […]

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Job Opportunity: Call for Applications for Research Fellowship Type B – duration 12 months renewable

As part of the MountResilience project, co-funded by the European Commission on the Horizon Europe Missions dedicated to climate change adaptation, a call for applications is open for a renewable 12-month position offering: Opportunity to work as a project officer within an ambitious international project involving 47 partner institutions from 13 European countries; Professional growth […]

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Take the challenge: study THE mountain IN the mountains!

Hurry up, the first step for registration for the Master “s Degree Course, in English, “Valorization And Sustainable Development Of Mountain Areas” – MOUNTAINSIDE, expires on October 31, 2023. Bernat Claramunt-Lopez, CREAF researcher, professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and lecturer at the UNIMONT pole of the State University of Milan for the Master […]

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The Master’s Degree Course, in English, “Valorization And Sustainable Development Of Mountain Areas” – MOUNTAINSIDE presents a unique, multidisciplinary and “glocal” educational offering, capable of combining local and international dimensions. Claudia Picozzi, Associate Professor at the University of Milan and lecturer at the UNIMONT hub, underlines the importance of the Master’s Degree Course “Valorization And […]

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Great success for the launch of the European Horizon Project MountResilience

Over 80 researchers from 13 countries participated in the kick-off of the Horizon Europe MountResilience Project, which sees the University of Milan as leader with its UNIMONT hub, from Tuesday 19th September in Ponte di Legno, for three days. The project, coordinated by Prof. Anna Giorgi, head of the UNIMONT – Ge.S.Di.Mont Centre of the […]

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YOUNG SOCIETY AND CULTURE Mountain areas between past and futur

From 3rd to 5th of October UNIMONT – University of Milan – detached pole in Edolo (Valcamonica), will host the Visiting Professor Stella Giannakopoulou from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Metsovio Interdisciplinary Research Center of NTUA, Greece. The seminars will be in English.

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HUNIMONT lead partner of the Horizon Europe MountResilience project

The University of Milan, with its Alpine centre ‘UNIMONT,’ leader of the EU Horizon MountResilience project aimed at accelerating adaptation to climate change  in mountainous regions:  two strategic dissemination events scheduled in Valle Camonica and Brescia. UNIMONT, the University of Milan centre is the lead institution for the project “MountResilience – Accelerating transformative climate change […]

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Save the date! Climbing for Climate 2023 in Case di Viso

The fifth edition of Climbing for Climate will take place in Case di Viso on 19th September. 1.30 p.m. | Meeting place in Pirli di Pezzo di Ponte di Legno (BS) 2.00 p.m. | Visit the wildlife area of Pezzo and introduction to the initiative with Prof.Riccardo Guidetti, Prof. Anna Giorgi, CAI Pezzo- Ponte di Legno […]

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