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COWORCare Project concluded: online map of coworking spaces for alpine areas

With the conclusion of the ARPAF Project “COWORCare. Coworking with children&elderly in the Alps” a map of coworking spaces for Alpine areas has been made available on the UNIMONT website.   The ARPAF project “COWORCare. Coworking with children&elderly in the Alps” worked to improve the quality of working life in the rural and mountainous territories […]

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Growing demand for coworking and childcare: Plattform Land creates work-life balance in the “COWORCare” project

The compatibility of family and career is a hot topic, with changing role models, labour shortages, increasing demand for childcare facilities, etc. At the autumn conference of Plattform Land, which was also the final event of the “COWORCare” project at BASIS Vinschgau Venosta, examples of how coworking and care can be combined were presented.   […]

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COWORCare project: a map of coworking spaces for alpine areas

If you are a coworker, run a coworking space or a private care institution, or are interested in coworking and coworkation, we need your help: take part in the survey and help us improve the map.

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COWORCare – Coworking with children & elderly in the Alps: fill out the survey!

Are you a coworker, a coworking space operator or a coworkationist? Are you interested in the topic of coworking? Do you have children, parents or relatives who need supervision/care? Fill out the survey promoted by the international project “COWORCare – Coworking with children & Elderly in the Alps”.

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“COWORCare”: UNIMONT welcomes international partners to discuss the potential of coworking in the Alpine Region

On 6th and 7th October, as part of the international project “Coworking with children & elderly in the Alps – COWORCare” , UNIMONT, Centre of the University of Milan, hosted international partners from Slovenia (Slovene Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry – Institute of Agriculture and Forestry Maribor), from Germany (CoworkationALPS and e CoWorkLand eG) and […]

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